[ Prev | Next | Index ] Fri Feb 23 01:03:07 MST 1996 : coco@cityspace.org, los angeles, ca usa the telecom bill might inspire students coco conn --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last weeks signing of the US Telecommunications '96 Bill is a blow for those who have participated in the evolution of social interaction on the internet. That history needs to be recorded and preserved. The current administration, rather than read the entire telecom bill, has taken the easy road by passing the buck to the Supreme Court. It seems that they have decided to cast their "Vote Against Pornography For Kids" as an election strategy rather than deal with on-line democracy. So much for an opportunity to be remembered as the founding fathers of cyberspace. Just as well. Ultimately students will be motivated to question the political process as they are once again confronted with the fact that democracy in action is as much about sound bites, fear and avoidance as the average television news broadcast. Instead of tearing their generation apart it will hopefuly be a catalyst for their future roles as leaders and law makers. It is clearly adults who are suffering from short attention spans. As more young people are getting access to multimedia tools, they are realizing that their voices can be heard the world over, in color as well as 3D. They are the next generation of leaders who will think nothing of combining kick ass modeling software with "hero of the day" databases tastefully integrated into a hot liquidy network soup. They will shamelessly use digital technologies to better understand the consequences of their actions worldwide. Young people are hungry for information about cultural diversity around the world and how it affects the way people plan to share limited resorces in the future. They are learning all too well the lessons of forced moral values built on a foundation of prolonged innocence, ignorance and innuendo. They have been dealt a hearty dose of violence, sex and drugs via television, film, religion, advertising and endless racks of magazine covers every day of their lives. You can't fool them now by just sweeping it all under some electronic rug. Good software programmers are poets and I hope that they are writing their most elegant code to get our asci bits around the political roadblocks now being frantically thrown into place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image] coco@cityspace.org